Thursday, March 27, 2008

Gear Up and Warm Up for Spring Sports Safety

If you know Charlie Pinson, you know that the Charlie Pinson Insurance agency is all about kids and sports. In addition to being a Kentucky insurance agent, Charlie is a local college and sports commentator and has worked and volunteered as a coach for many local organizations. Thought we would share this Safe Kids Press release with you.

Safe Kids Worldwide Offers Sports Safety Tips

Visit USA Safe Kids

Each year, nationwide, more than 3.5 million children ages 14 and under are treated for sports injuries. Roughly half of these injuries are sustained in solo activities — especially biking, skating and skateboarding — but a pproximately one out of four participants in youth soccer, football or baseball has been injured at least once. About 15 percent of kids playing basketball have been injured, and 12 percent of kids playing softball.

In team sports, most injuries — 62 percent — occur during practices, not games. “Always insist that your kids wear the same protective gear, do the same warmups and take all the same precautions when they practice as when they're getting ready for a game,” says Chrissy Cianflone, director of program operations at Safe Kids Worldwide.

“When we think of sports injuries, we think of dramatic tackles or falls or being hit in the head, but young athletes are also at risk of strains and repetitive-motion injuries,” says Cianflone. “If your coach recommends certain types of warmups, it's not just to make you a better athlete — it will help keep you from getting hurt.” Repetitive-motion injuries account for nearly half of all sports injuries to students in grade 6 and above.

In a 2000 survey by Safe Kids Worldwide, 30 percent of parents said their child had been injure d at least once while playing a team sport, 15 percent said their child had been injured more than once and about 7 percent said their child suffered a serious injury. “Contact sports have a higher rate of injuries than solo sports, but injuries from solo sports such as biking or skateboarding tend to be more severe,” says Cianflone.

Safe Kids USA recommends these precautions for all children playing or practicing any individual or team sport:

    ~Before signing up for a sport, get a general physical exam.

    ~Always wear appropriate protective gear for the activity — for practice as well as games — and make sure it's the right size and properly adjusted.

    ~Do your warmups. Again, if it's important before a game, it's important before practice too.

    ~Make sure responsible adults know and enforce the safety rules of the sport, are present to provide supervision, and are trained in first aid and CPR. Also, make sure the field is in safe condition.

    ~Never “play through” an injury. Get immediate help from a coach or trainer and be sure to mention everything that hurts or aches.

    ~Follow the rules. In most sports, the rules are based not only on sportsmanship, but safety.

Last but not least: “Stay hydrated,” says Cianflone. “Drink plenty of water or electrolyte sports drink before and during the activity, and rest frequently during hot weather. A child can lose up to a quart of sweat during two hours of exercise, and kids get overheated more quickly than adults and cannot cool down as easily.”

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