Interviews and Good Impressions
With graduation around the corner, and the job market being rather tight new graduates need all the "edge" they can get to land a job. To me, some of these tips may seem obvious, but having interviewed many young hopefuls apparently they are not.
- Send out resumes, and don't be afraid to follow up with a phone call.
- Use your connections. Do you know someone who can help you land an interview?
- Do your homework. Learn all you can about the company you are applying to.
- Once you land an appointment, get there on time! I am appalled at how many potential employees show up late for appointments. If you are stuck in traffic, call your contact and explain. That is just common courtesy.
- Dress appropriately and be pressed and clean. Many young people dress too casually for the position they are applying for. If you have doubts, go to the company and watch the folks come out either for lunch, or as they are leaving to go home. Pick your interview clothes accordingly.
- Please, please refrain from perfume and aftershave. Many people are allergic. You want a lingering impression from your dazzling personality; not your trendiest fashion scent.
- Before you walk in to the interview, take a deep breathe and relax. Force yourself to smile; after all your professional career is why you spent all that time in college. Be optimistic and excited!
- Use your interviewers' name, when responding to questions. Look them in the eyes. Keep the interviewer engaged. You are just one in a crowded field. Take positive action to be remembered.
- After the interview, jot off a hand written than you note to the person you interviewed with. Even if you don't get the job, they will remember you and perhaps give your name to someone else who has an opening...or remember you when another position is available. Build your contacts!
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