Thanks for asking
I received an inquiry from a college student in Colorado who works part time at a property casualty agency. He asked several questions about our mission statement.
With permission, I'll share the questions and my opinions and answers.
Here is our Kentucky insurance agent mission statement
Charlie Pinson Insurance is a service-oriented agency driven by sales excellence through client and vendor relations. Based in Pikeville Ky, our market area includes Kentucky and West Virginia. Our multi-line focus includes Commercial and Personal lines, with an emphasis on Kentucky health insurance.
As a family owned business, we believe in a family friendly work environment.
It is our goal to provide clients with the service they deserve and products to fulfill their needs. People make the difference at Charlie Pinson Insurance.
Here's the questions
- 1. Did you have a collaborative team to help you develop a mission statement? If so how was that team chosen?Yes, our statement was a collaborative effort. We established our goals of what we wanted to say; then assigned our copy writer (that's me) the task of sewing the patchwork of ideas together. Like your "scratch" start-up agency, we are small. It was a no-brainer to include all personnel.
- 2. What were some of the steps you used to arrive at your mission statement?First, we established WHY we even needed a mission statement. Our goal was and is, to define our identity for our clients as well as our carriers. Secondly, we were at a defining moment in our growth. Did we want to grow, or did we want to keep the status-quo? We opted for growth; but underlined the paths that had brought us success.
- 3. How long did this process take?We hammered this out in about a week. However, from time to time we revisit our mission statement. New products, new employees, and changes in the market influence who we are and who we strive to be.
- 4. What would you do differently in the process?Not a thing. We sat down and got it down. Don't over think. Don't get bogged down in committee. Put it in writing, and put it out there. It's not written in stone. Change is inevitable.
- 5. Do you feel like your employees are living the mission and vision of your agency? We continually strive to find balance between "service-oriented" and "sales excellence." We are getting there. We always focus on family, and clients.
Our defining statement, "People make the difference at Charlie Pinson" reflects a two-fold philosophy. We believe our staff is one of the best in Kentucky. We also believe our customers are not a policy number. So even though we do business on the internet, as well as in a brick and mortar location, our message is Kentucky people helping Kentucky people. That is what we are all about. So yes, we live the mission and we live the brand.
For my collegiate pen pal in Colorado, I hoped this helped. You may want to check out Troy Korsgaden's "Power Position your Agency." For insurance agents, I think it is one of the best resources for attracting, building, and retaining business. At the moment, my copy is at the house. However, if memory serves Troy had a great section on developing mission statements. I wish you well in your endeavours.
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Joyce Pinson is a Kentucky Health Insurance Agent. With a background in Agricultural Economics, Public Relations, and Marketing she wears many hats (most of them cute) at Charlie Pinson Insurance Agency and it's sister Kentucky Health Insurance Agency, Triple B Insurance.