Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's spring: Time for Prom and Graduation.
How fast is your kid driving?

Teensurance powered by Safeco Insurance
 Kentucky Teens and Young Drivers

According to the Kentucky Transporation Cabinet one of the highest teen crash rates in the nation occurs right here in Kentucky. While Kentucky Teens represent only 6% of Kentucky's population, Kentucky Teens are involved in 18% of fatal crashes and over 20% of highway crashes.*

What Can You Do?

Teensurance.com powered by Safeco Insurance

Well according to a Smart Choice Insurance Executive, Paul Taylor, it's all about keeping an open dialogue with your young driver. Paul explained at a recent Kentucky Insurance agents meeting that he had secretly installed the Teensurance device in his son's car. The device sends a warning back to the parents, when speeding occurs.

To make a long story short, the device signaled and when Paul called his son to ask him how fast he was going it was in excess of 100 mph! Talk about opening a dialogue!

What's the benefits?

In addition to monitoring speed, the Teensurance device can also provide 24/7 roadside assistance. And get this EVEN IF THEY ARE RIDING IN A FRIEND's CAR!
Roadside assistance for running out of gas, a dead batter, flat tire, locked out, or stalled auto can sure come in handy when you cannot be there!

Louisville, KY's, The Courier-Journal, reported in the July 29, 2007 edition that 20 Safeco policyholders in the Louisville area had purchased Teensurance in the first month of it's release. Titled, "Big Brother hits road with teens" the article details some of the products highlights.

Teensurance, is not an insurance product, but is offered through Safeco Insurance. For a very small cost, Safeco policyholders can add a GPS locator to the vehicle their children drive.

To learn more about the Teensurance program offered to Safeco Policy holders check out their website at Teensurance.com

Don't have a Kentucky Safeco Auto Insurance policy? Get a Kentucky Safeco Car Insurance quote at Charlie Pinson Insurance a Kentucky Safeco Agent.

*Statistics from the Kentucky Transporation Cabinet see full article

Safeco and the Safeco logo are registered trademarks of Safeco Corporation.
Teensurance and Safety Beacon are trademarks of Open Seas Solutions, Inc. Open Seas Solutions, Inc. is a non-insurance subsidiary of Safeco Corporation

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