If you read my blog about theDelta Queen receiving an award this year, you know how much the Delta Queen means to me. Her appearances along the Ohio River communities are something to be treasured and protected. Encourage your representatives and senators to petition for her exemption from upcoming legislation. Otherwise, when the Delta Queen steams out of Louisville tomorrow night, amongst a huge fireworks display...it may be the last time the old girl will compete for the Golden Antlers. That is just too sad!
Delta Queen to be Feted on Steamboat Race Day
By: KDF Press Office
Posted: 4/2/2008 9:00:44 AM
The Kentucky Derby Festival is pleased to announce some special activities to celebrate what could be the Delta Queen’s last year to take part in the Kentucky Derby Festival Great Steamboat Race. The Delta Queen, based out of the port of Cincinnati, is in jeopardy of losing its exemption to make overnight passenger cruises and thus would not be able to participate in future Great Steamboat Races unless another exemption is granted by this November. The Delta Queen raced the hometown Belle of Louisville in the inaugural Great Steamboat Race in 1963 and has been a contestant almost every year since. To help commemorate the heritage of this historic vessel, the Derby Festival has planned the following activities on Great Steamboat Race Day, Wednesday, April 30:
.A “Tea With the Queen” party will be held from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Chow Wagon at Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville on the Waterfront. This family-oriented event will feature appearances by several former Kentucky Derby Festival Queens, dating back to 1957. They will be on hand to meet and greet the public and assist children with decorating tiaras and coronets that will be given out. A variety of refreshments will be served, including tea, punch, cookies and other finger foods. Derby Festival mascots Peggy and Gus will also be part of the festivities. Families may have their picture taken in front of the Delta Queen.
A Calliope Contest between the Belle of Louisville and the Delta Queen will be held at 3 p.m. along the East Wharf on Louisville’s waterfront. The musical contest, featuring traditional tunes played on the boats’ steam whistles, will be judged by Louisville native Patrick Henry Hughes, a local celebrity since appearing on ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition,” this spring.
The Great Steamboat Race Awards Ceremony will take place on the main stage at the Chow Wagon, beginning at approximately 7 p.m. The captain and crew of the winning vessel will receive the Golden Antlers and various dignitaries will make remarks. The winner of the Calliope Contest will receive an award created by Louisville Stoneware, presented by Patrick Henry Hughes.
A Mardi Gras party to celebrate the Delta Queen’s river heritage will take place at the Chow Wagon from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. Zydeco Bon will provide musical entertainment and Mardi Gras-style beads will be distributed.
A fireworks show at 10 p.m. will accompany the Delta Queen’s departure from the wharf as she heads upriver to Cincinnati. All of the aforementioned Great Steamboat Race activities are free with a 2008 Pegasus Pin.
The Great Steamboat Race starts at the Clark Memorial Bridge and proceeds upriver to Six Mile Island before returning to the bridge for the finish. The 14-mile route takes about 1 ¼ - 1 ½ hours. The Belle of Louisville leads the annual racing series on the Ohio River to 22 to 19.
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Joyce Pinson, that's me, grew up along the Ohio River and spent many summer days watching the Delta Queen steam by. It would be a terribly shame to loose the legacy of the Queen. She is an important part of our Kentucky history.
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