Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Healthy Walking Paths of Pikeville KY
 Extra Day Added

Charlie Pinson Insurance, an official checkpoint for Healthy Walking Paths of Pikeville KY today's Diabetes Walk pictured Joyce and Charlie Pinson

Let's Do It Again April 2, 2008

Begins 11 AM - Ends 1:30 PM
at Pikeville City Park

Brought to you by the Pike County Diabetes Partnership

Yep, it looked like rain yesterday and so the event was "officially" cancelled. But word did not get to all participants, and by the appointed time to start a crowd had gathered at Pikeville City park yesterday. And so they walked!

However, for those of you who missed it, you can walk today. Four paths are being designated beginning with a half mile, a mile, a mile and a half, and two mile walk. Maps will be available at the city park, and some tours may include guides.

Along the routes, many local professionals and businesses will be providing snacks and refreshments. Our office Charlie Pinson Insurance, an official Down Town checkpoint, will be offering up a variety of apples. Anthem Health Insurance has provided us with brochures discussing blood sugar control.

Y'all come by ya hear!

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