Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Magazine for Independent Insurance Agents

If you are like me, and hundreds of other Kentucky Independent Insurance Agents, you recieve tons and tons of industry magazines. I dutifully go through most of the articles, sticking post-its on various items for each of our agents. Guess you could say I am the designated "reader" for the agency. Maybe just "PHD" for "Piled High and Deeper" desk????

Well, today a new magazine called Powerful Connections happened into my office. I did not pay a subscription fee, so I assume it is being offered free of charge. Produced by Agency Specialty Product Network Insurance Agency, Inc. the magazine comes out twice a year.

We do not currently do business with the agency, so please don't think I am endorsing them. However, I can tell you the magazine is a dandy. Cover stories include Advice to give your clients to plan for a disaster, Subprime Mortgages, and Alternatives to Health Insurance.

Oddly enough, or maybe not so oddly if you know me, the articles I enjoyed most were not the cover leads. I liked the profile of Gillis, Ellis, and Baker a Louisiana insurance agency, the article on "Going Green" and an article on "Deskercise." There was a terrific piece on phone etiquette and another directed at young agents that was well worth the read.

The layout of the magazine makes it easy to browse, and the sidebars give you more information if you want to do more than just breeze through a topic. It's fun, it's hip...and you just don't get to say that too much about an insurance industry magazine.

Check out www.askaspn.com to see about subscribing to this new magazine for independent insurance agents.

Remember I don't know this company, but I do know a cool magazine when I see it!

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